Australians for Constitutional Monarchy - Toowoomba Branch

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“Shaking the Foundations: Will we stand or fall?”

Excerpts from “Shaking the Foundations: Will we stand or fall?”, an address by Dr David van Gend to the Toowoomba branch of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, 14th March 2021.

Read presentation text: Shaking the Foundations › (200 KB PDF)

(David’s full video presentation can be viewed below, after excerpts)

Presentation Excerpts

The genius of Constitutional Monarchy

Trashing the British racists?

Rhodes or #BlackLivesMatter?

Churchill: Running our own show

“Above all Liberties”

The ‘Great Reset’, a great threat

Must we exile Prince Charles to the Antarctic?

Britain’s Green Death Wish

Generation Mush & the Climate Cult

Presentation - Full

David’s full presentation.

Read presentation text: Shaking the Foundations › (200 KB PDF)


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Resource: Printed: 2024-07-27
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